Praying With Gratitude

Praying With Gratitude

With Thanksgiving next on the calendar, and the holiday season ramping up quickly, we’re going focus on being grateful in prayer. Jesus Himself prayed with a spirit of gratitude, and is recorded twice in the gospels saying “thank You, Father” while praying (Matthew 11:25, Luke 10:21). While calling on God to resurrect Lazarus, Jesus said, “Father, I thank You that You have heard Me” (John 11:41). In fact, nobody else in the gospels is recorded as praying with such thankfulness. Perhaps this is why His prayers were so effective, and had the power to bring life where there was death. As we approach Thanksgiving, let’s exercise this powerful type of prayer. Maybe there’s even something that comes to mind right now for which you could be thankful. Now that’s something to pray about!

Derek Kistner