Father’s Day 2023

Father’s Day 2023

My dad, Dennis Kistner, has been instrumental in my walk with Christ. Growing up, he would often direct me to a meaningful Bible verse, or programming on local Christian radio. As we celebrate fathers this week, I thought it would be best if you heard straight from him. Proverbs tells us to “Train up a child in the way he should go” (Proverbs 22:6). I’ve found over time, however, that it’s important to do this patiently. Fathers, whether it’s with your little kids, or older children trying to figure out life, be patient with the mistakes and poor choices. As we pray for them, and as they see the patience of their heavenly Father through us, they will eventually grow to make good choices when they are older, including the most important one—to follow Christ. Now that’s something to pray about!

Derek Kistner